Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

InnerCity Collaborative CDC (ICCCDC) seeks to strengthen the lives of all in need by giving help that empowers and hope that lasts. Thus, we affirm and support the dignity of all human life, strengthen families, and serve the poor and most vulnerable.

Our Vision

ICCCDC works to create a world in which every person is cherished, regardless of individual limitations, and strengthened in the use of personal gifts in order to reach his or her full potential as a valued member of the community.

Cognizant of our responsibility to the community, we will be recognized as an effective advocate for social justice. We will be a catalyst by which people are inspired and motivated to serve the poor and the vulnerable. We will create networks, and collaborate with other community-based organizations who share our goals.

We will remain committed to the poor, seniors, especially the homeless, children, youth, and families, returning citizens, and other at-risk persons with mental and developmental disabilities. We will help individuals and families move from crisis and isolation to stability and growth. We will be accessible to those in need through comprehensive, integrated and culturally competent services. We will help all who want to get and hold a job. By setting standards of excellence and best practices, we will provide an environment in which our staff and volunteers can grow, contribute their best efforts, and value their investment in our mission.

Our Values

We affirm the sacredness and dignity of all human life. We cherish the racial and cultural diversity of our staff and those we serve. We expect uncompromising integrity in all we do. We pursue excellence. We pledge service to those in need regardless of background, belief, or circumstance.