Vision ~ ICCCDC envisions a world where everyone is valued, empowered to use their gifts, and reaches their full potential as a vital part of the community.
We are dedicated to social justice, inspiring service to the poor and vulnerable, and collaborating with like-minded organizations.
Our focus is on supporting the poor, seniors, children, youth, families, returning citizens, and those with mental or developmental disabilities. We help individuals and families transition from crisis to stability through accessible, integrated, and culturally sensitive services, including job support.
By upholding excellence, we foster a supportive environment for staff and volunteers to thrive and contribute meaningfully to our mission.
Mission ~ InnerCity Collaborative CDC (ICCCDC) seeks to strengthen the lives of all in need by giving help that empowers and hope that lasts. Thus, we affirm and support the dignity of all human life, strengthen families, and serve the poor and most vulnerable.

Values ~ We affirm the sacredness and dignity of all human life. We cherish the racial and cultural diversity of our staff and those we serve. We expect uncompromising integrity in all we do. We pursue excellence. We pledge service to those in need regardless of background, belief, or circumstance.